Online Qur’an classes USA

Learn Quran Classes in Usa

Online Qur’an classes USA Introduction:Online Quran classes in the USA are becoming increasingly popular people are turning to the internet for religious guidance. With the help of technology, students can now access a variety of online Quran classes from the comfort of their own homes. These classes provide an interactive learning experience that allows students […]

Quran recitation for kids

Quran recitation for kids

Quran recitation for kids Quran is the book of ALLAH which was revealed on Prophet Muhammad SAWW. Quran is the book of guidance. Prophet Muhammad SAWW says that “The best amongst you, who learn and teaches Quran”. Learning of the Quran has many fields like to learn how to recite its words properly without making a mistake is one […]

Online Quran Classes

Online Quran Classes Online Quran classes are the most beneficial classes offered by Quran For kids.  The Quran or Koran is the sacred book containing the religious texts of Islam. Muslims believe that it is a revelation from God (Allah). Written in the Arabic language, The Quran consists of about a hundred fourteen units of […]

Quran Class Scholarship

Quran Class Scholarship

Online Quran Class Free Online Quran Class Free is an online scholarship offered by Quran for kids, it is an online platform for teaching Quran and Arabic for all Muslims all over the world. Their mission represents in spreading Islam and helps any Muslim who is in need of learning about his religion and be […]